বিভূতিভূষণ মুখোপাধ্যায়ের ছোটোগল্পের আলোকে তৎকালীন বাঙালি সমাজচিত্র - Atmadeep

An International Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bengali Research Journal
ISSN :: 2454–1508
DOI Prefix: 10.69655
Upcoming Issue: 31 March, 2025
Starting Year: 2024
বাংলা ভাষায় প্রকাশিত আন্তর্জাতিক দ্বিমাসিক গবেষণামূলক পত্রিকা
বাংলা ভাষায় প্রকাশিত আন্তর্জাতিক দ্বিমাসিক গবেষণামূলক পত্রিকা
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Volume-I, Issue-III, March 2025
Volume-I, Issue-III, January, 2025
বিভূতিভূষণ মুখোপাধ্যায়ের ছোটোগল্পের আলোকে তৎকালীন বাঙালি সমাজচিত্র
বকুল সাহা, সহকারী অধ্যাপক, বাংলা বিভাগ, জলঙ্গী মহাবিদ্যালয়, জলঙ্গী, মুর্শিদাবাদ, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, ভারত           
Received: 15.01.2025
Accepted: 25.01.2025
Published Online: 30.01.2025
Page No: 601-609
DOI: 10.69655/atmadeep.vol.1.issue.03W.048
The Social Portrait of Contemporary Bengali Society in the Short Stories of Bibhutibhushan Mukhopadhyay
Bakul Saha, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Bengali, Jalangi Mahavidyalaya, Jalangi, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Bibhutibhushan Mukhopadhyay emerged in the middle of the 20th century. He was born in Pandul in Dwarbhanga district of Bihar. Although he was born in Bihar, his ancestors lived In Chatra region of Srirampur, Bangladesh. So he had to stay in Shivpur, Chatra and other areas of Bangladesh for his studies during his childhood and adolescence. He was able to establish contact with the rugged environment of Bihar and the Crop green desert of Bangladesh. Therefore, he got the opportunity to observe the social environment of Bihar and Bangladesh very well. He was the live-witness of the anti-British movement in pre-independence India, the Second World War and the great Bengal Famine of 1943. Also, he observed the effect of World War II and Bengal Famine on the society of Bihar and Bangladesh very closely.As a socially conscious writer, he was able to portray this social context in his short stories in a realistic manner. Although he was a humorous writer but his social studies beautifully Placed in the short stories behind the humours. As a writer, he has also protested by pen for Bengalis, who lost their homes and became completely destitute refugees due to the partition of India in 1947. In his short stories, perfectly described the Riot of Hindu and Muslim, along with the caste system and British flunkey bengalis. In short, the short stories of Bibhutibhushan Mukhopadhyay become a living document of the Bengali social environment of the middle of the 20th century.
Keyword :
  • Bibhutibhushan Mukhopadhyay
  • Consciousness,
  • Pre-independence society
  • Humorous writer
  • Bengal Famine
  • Partition of India
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